, pub-7313179000042892, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L M F: August 2013

Ways to cure bad breath

Here are 10 tips for curing bad breath for good, and a tip for recognizing if you have bad breath in the first place.

How to Tell If You Have Bad Breath

The problem with curing bad breath is that people who suffer from it often don't realize it. Since bad breath is mostly caused by bacteria on the tongue, you can tell if you have bad breath by licking the back of your hand with your full tongue. Wait three seconds, then smell your hand. If it smells bad, you need to take a look at these tips for curing bad breath.

#1. Salt Rinse or Lemon Rinse

Curing bad breath with a salt rinse is a very old cure that has passed from generation to generation. The salt will kill bacteria in your mouth and help heal any gum disease. Just mix 1/2 tsp. of salt with half a cup of warm water, stir well and rinse your mouth with the solution before you go to sleep. Do this for a few days and you'll see that your gums look more pink than red, and you have cured your bad breath.

Curing bad breath with a lemon rinse is another alternative, since the high acidic content in lemon prevents the growth of bacteria on the tongue and gums. You can even create a mixture of salt and lemon and rinse before bedtime to cure bad breath.

#2. Baking Soda

Baking soda has been found very effective in curing bad breath, because the high acidity of baking soda will prevent bacteria from growing on your tongue. Therefore, brush your teeth with a baking-soda rich toothpaste, or just follow with baking soda after your regular toothpaste. You can also gargle with baking soda dissolved in warm water.

#3. Chew on Mint Leaves and Sun Flower Seeds

These two home remedies for curing bad breath work on cleansing your mouth and spreading a fresh scent through it. Chew on sun flower seeds after meals and drink water to help cleanse your mouth and cure bad breath that may linger due to odor causing foods. And munch on mint leaves to spread a fresh scent through your mouth, which will prove effective in curing bad breath in consequence.

#4. Eat Probiotic Yogurt

Probiotics like acidophilus are very effective in curing bad breath when consumed regularly. Eating yogurt rich in healthy bacteria will help in curing bad breath completely with time, so long as you keep consuming probiotics to keep the population of odor causing bacteria in check.

#5. Avoid Sugar

Refined sugar is especially bad for your teeth and will result in cavities, which in turn will result in bad breath. One of the best tips for curing bad breath is to avoid refined sugars in cookies, candy, and even in your coffee. Use brown sugar instead and in small amounts as sugar will also increase the dryness of your mouth, which is a cause of bad breath.

#6. Drink Water, Tea or Pineapple Juice

Just as with anything else in life, curing bad breath by drinking water is easy and good for you. Water will keep your stomach and tongue hydrated and clean, preventing bacteria buildup and curing bad breath.

In addition, curing bad breath with hot, unsweetened tea has been found effective due to the antiseptic properties of tea. While for its high acidic content, Pineapple juice has been found effective in curing bad breath as well.

#7. Drink Fenugreek Tea

Fenugreek seeds ( methi seeds) have been proven effective in curing bad breath. Simmer 1 tsp. of seeds in 2 cups of water for a quarter of an hour, then strain the tea and drink it to cure bad breath.

#8. Prevent Constipation

Be sure to exercise regularly and eat a high-fiber diet that will keep your bowl movements regular and help in curing bad breath caused by constipation.

#9. Chew Cloves or Cardamom Seeds

Both cloves and cardamom seeds have been found effective in curing bad breath, especially if chewed after meal times.

#10. Oral Hygiene

It may seem obvious, but curing bad breath with proper oral hygiene is an essential starting point. Be sure to floss as well, which will assist in curing bad breath due to gum disease. And choose a toothpaste that does not dry your mouth.

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Human Brain Analysis Man versus Woman

Women - Multiple process
Womens brains designed to concentrate multiple task at a time.
Women can Watch a TV and Talk over phone and cook.
Men - Single Process
Mens brains designed to concentrate only one work at a time. Men can not watch TV and talk over the phone at the same time. they stop the TV while Talking. They can either watch TV or talk over the phone or cook.

Women can easily learn many languages. But can not find solutions to problems. Men can not easily learn languages, they can easily solve problems. That's why in average a 3 years old girl has three times higher vocabulary than a 3 yeard old boy.

Mens brains has a lot of space for handling the analytical process. They can analyze and find the solution for a process and design a map of a building easily. But If a complex map is viewed by women, they can not understand it. Women can not understand the details of a map easily, For them it is just a dump of lines on a paper.

While driving a car, mans analytical spaces are used in his brain. He can drive a car fastly. If he sees an object at long distance, immediately his brain classifies the object (bus or van or car) direction and speed of the object and he drives accordingly. Where woman take a long time to recognize the object direction/ speed. Mans single process mind stops the audio in the car (if any), then concentrates only on driving.

When men lie to women face to face, they get caught easily. Womans super natural brain observes facial expression 70%, body language 20% and words coming from the mouth 10%. Mens brain does not have this. Women easily lie to men face to face.
So guys, do not lie face to face.

If a man have a lot of problems, his brain clearly classifies the problems and puts them in individual rooms in the brain and then finds the solution one by one. You can see many guys looking at the sky for a long time. If a woman has a lot of problems, her brain can not classify the problems. she wants some one to hear that. After telling everything to a person she goes happily to bed. She does not worry about the problems being solved or not.

Men want status, success, solutions, big process, etc... But Women want relationship, friends, family, etc...

If women are unhappy with their relations, they can not concentrate on their work. If men are unhappy with their work, they can not concentrate on the relations.

Women use indirect language in speech. But Men use direct language.

Women talk a lot without thinking. Men act a lot without thinking.

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Habits that damage human Brain

1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.
This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.

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Lime and honey Combination is best for your lips

Lime And Honey. Combination of both of these are best for your lips. Lime and honey is a very commonly used for rose lips. What you have to do is; take 1 spoon of honey and add 3 drops of lime juice. Mix both of them properly. Now apply this regularly before going to bed. These method will turn your lips into pink rosy lips regardless how dark black these lips are.

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Drink that kills cancer cells !!


This MIRACLE DRINK has been circulating for a long time long
ago.It is worth your while to take note. There is a celebrity Mr. Seto who swears by it. He wants to make it public to draw the
attention of people who have cancers. This is a drink that can protect bad cells forming in your body or it will restrain its growth! Mr. Seto had lung cancer.

He was recommended to take this drink by a famous Herbalist from China. He has taken this drink diligently for 3 months and now his health is restored,and he is ready to take a pleasure trip. Thanks to this drink! It does not hurt for you to try.

It is like a Miracle Drink! It is simple.

You need one beet root, one carrot and one apple that
combine together to make the JUICE! Wash the above, cut with the skin on into pieces and put them into the juicer and
immediately you drink the juice.

You can add some lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.
This Miracle Drink will be effective for the following ailments:

1. Prevent cancer cells to develop.It will restrain cancer cells to grow.
2. Prevent liver, kidney,pancreas disease and it can cure ulcer
as well.
3. Strengthen the lung, prevent heart attack and high blood
4. Strengthen the immune system
5. Good for the eyesight, eliminate red and tired eyes or dry eyes
6. Help to eliminate pain from physical training, muscle ache
7. Detoxify, assist bowel movement, eliminate constipation.Therefore it will make skin healthy & LOOK more radiant.It is God sent for acne problem.
8. Improve bad breath due to indigestion, throat infection,
10. Assist Hay Fever Sufferer from Hay Fever attack.

There is absolutely no side effect. Highly nutritious and easily
absorbed.Very effective if you need to loose weight.You will notice your immune system will be improved after 2 week routine.

Please make sure to drink immediately from the juicer for
best effect.


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Raw Lady Finger Can Help in curing Diabetes ?

Many people in the world are suffering from Diabetes. Here is an easy cure for diabetes. Lady finger a natural vegetable which can be used as a cure for diabetes. Instead of painful and expensive treatment available in the market

Lady Finger An Easy Cure For Diabetes

How To Control Diabetes From Lady Finger?

Here is the simple tip to control diabetes from lady finger. Take two or three lady fingers. Cut them from the centre and put them into the glass full with the water. Leave them for the full night. In the morning remove lady finger and drink the water before breakfast. Repeating the same process every day will help you to reduce your sugar level. This simple tips is better than many other painful treatments. Fresh lady finger is better than cooked one.

Low G.I Food:

the word G.I stands for Glycemic index. The person who is suffering from diabetes should take diet enriched in Glycemic index. Approximately 20 G.I is present in okra. That is very low. Diabetic patients can easily use Okra recipes as their meal to fill their stomach and also control their diabetic level.

Fight Kidney Diseases:

lady finger is also good to prevent your body from different kidney diseases. It is considered that high sugar level effect your both kidneys badly. So by taking okra daily will prevent your kidneys. Have an moderate amount of okra daily if you are a diabetic person.

Soluble Fibers:

Soluble fibers are very important to keep your kidneys healthy. They play their role in digestion of carbohydrates. Lady finger is enriched with soluble fibers. It slow down the digestion process and hence lower the sugar level in blood. These are some of the main reasons for you to select lady finger as a diet to control diabetes.

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Daily walk gives us healthy life

Some healthy facts of daily walk

1- Daily 30 minutes walk reduce the level of LDL (low density lipoprotein) and increases the level of HDL (high density lipoproteins) in our body..

2- It prevents from osteoporosis and heart attack and also normalize the high B.P of our body..

3- It also useful to reduce the type 2 diabetes in the diabetic patients..

4- Daily walk helps to maintain our body weight to the normal level and prevents us from obesity and make us healthy and physically active..

5- Walk is useful specially for heart patients to make them physically fit without any strenuous activity which increases the risk of heart attack in them as in jogging or exercise..

6- Daily walk is also useful to lower the cancer risks specially colon cancer in both sexes while among males those who remain in sitting position and don't walk regularly the risks of prostatic hyperplasia also increases...

7- Other factors like healthy eating, no smoking and cleanliness also associated to cause healthy effects to our body.!

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RASPBERRIES helps in weight loss

  • One of the richest fruits in fiber, the raspberries is a great appetite suppressor. 
  • It is low in calories and rich in essential nutrients like Vitamin C, K, manganese, etc. 
  • A handful of these berries are enough to use as toppings in your salads or porridge. 

A single cup of raspberries consists of 64 calories and taste great too. They can be great addition to your weight loss diet. 

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Aloe vera a natural medicine for cancer, cholesterol, diabetes

Aloe vera is a natural medicine for cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, inflammation, IBS, and other health conditions

• Halts the growth of cancer tumors.
• Lowers high cholesterol.
• Repairs "sludge blood" and reverses "sticky blood".
• Boosts the oxygenation of your blood.
• Eases inflammation and soothes arthritis pain.
• Protects the body from oxidative stress.
• Prevents kidney stones and protects the body from oxalates in coffee and tea.
• Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits.
• Cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn's disease and other digestive disorders.
• Reduces high blood pressure natural, by treating the cause, not just the symptoms.
• Nourishes the body with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glyconutrients.
• Accelerates healing from physical burns and radiation burns.
• Replaces dozens of first aid products, makes bandages and antibacterial sprays obsolete.
• Halts colon cancer, heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive tract.
• Ends constipation.
• Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces triglycerides in diabetics.
• Prevents and treats candida infections.
• Protects the kidneys from disease.
• Functions as nature's own "sports drink" for electrolyte balance, making common sports drinks obsolete.
• Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance.
• Speeds recovery from injury or physical exertion.
• Hydrates the skin, accelerates skin repair.

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How to prepare Stuffed Jalapenos Recipe

1 lb ground sausage (HOT if ya like! )
22 jalapeños
1- 8 oz block cream cheese, softened
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat over 425. Cook sausage until browned. Set aside. Mix cream cheese with Parmesan cheese. Add cooked sausage and mix well. Rinse jalapenos. Cut each jalapeno lengthwise and remove seeds. Stuff jalapenos with sausage mixture. Cook for 20 minutes until tops are golden brown (cook on a large baking pan).

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Southwestern Chopped Salad with Cilantro Dressing

  • Large head of romaine
  • 15 oz. can black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 large orange bell pepper
  • 1 pint cherry tomatoes
  • 2 cups corn (I used frozen, thawed)
  • 5 green onions
  • Creamy Cilantro-Lime Dressing* or other dressing of choice

Finely chop romaine, bell pepper, tomatoes, and green onions.
Place all ingredients in a large bowl and mix to combine.
Toss with desired dressing.

*Creamy Cilantro-Lime Dressing
  • 1 cup loosely packed cilantro, stems removed and roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice (about 1/2 lime)
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 1/2 tsp. white vinegar
  • 1/8 tsp. salt

Puree all ingredients in a blender or food processor until smooth.
Taste and adjust seasonings if necessary.

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How to prepare Zucchini Lasagna


  • 1 lb 93% lean beef
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • 28 oz can crushed tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh basil
  • 3 medium zucchini, sliced 1/8" thick
  • 15 oz part-skim ricotta
  • 16 oz part-skin mozzarella cheese, shredded (Sargento)
  • 1/4 cup Parmigiano Reggiano
  • 1 large egg

  • In a medium sauce pan, brown meat and season with salt. When cooked drain in colander to remove any fat. Add olive oil to the pan and saute garlic and onions about 2 minutes. Return the meat to the pan, add tomatoes, basil, salt and pepper. Simmer on low for at least 30-40minutes, covered. Do not add extra water, the sauce should e thick.
  • Preheat oven to 350°. In a medium bowl mix ricotta cheese, parmesan cheese and egg. Stir well.
  • In a 9x12 casserole spread some sauce on the bottom and layer the zucchini to cover. Then place some of the ricotta cheese mixture, then top with the mozzarella cheese and repeat the process until all your ingredients are used up. Top with sauce and mozzarella and cover with foil.
  • Bake 45 minutes covered at 375°, then uncovered 15 minutes. Let stand about 5 - 10 minutes before serving
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Uses of cucumber

1. Fat busting: Do you ever wonder why women put cucumbers on their eyes to relieve puffiness? The photochemical in cucumbers makes the collagen in your skin tighten, thus the lack of puffiness. Did you know that you can rub a cucumber on a problematic spot of cellulite anywhere on your body to lessen the visibility of it? Did you also know that it has the same effect on wrinkles? Wow, it makes purchasing those fifty dollar creams seem a little silly, doesn’t it? You can also rub a little bit under your kiddo’s eyes after a long bout of crying to avoid that puffy ‘I cried for an hour straight’ look.

2. Defogger: Do you get annoyed when you get out of the shower and you have to fight the fog on the mirror? Who has time for that when the kids will be awake at any moment? Try rubbing a slice of cucumber on the mirror before you hop in and not only will you get a fog-free mirror, but you’ll have a nice smell that will boost your mood.

3. Headaches: If you suffer from headaches from chasing your babies all day (or pets or your husband), or had a little too much wine with dinner and want to avoid a hangover, eat half of a cucumber before bed. Cucumbers are high in B vitamins, sugar, and electrolytes, and they replenish the nutrients missing in your body to help you avoid a hang over or to beat that headache that’s been threatening to take over.

4. WD-40 replacement: Did you know you can get rid of a squeak by rubbing a cucumber on the hinge? Wow, now you don’t have to tear your garage apart looking for that little can with the red straw, and the baby won’t wake up when you slowly open the nursery door to check on him.

5. Crayon on the walls: Take an unpeeled cucumber and rub the crayon off of the walls in the event that your kiddo left you some art. You can also use this technique to erase a pen mistake.

6. Halitosis killer: Take a slice of cucumber and put it on the roof of your mouth. Hold it there with your tongue for 30 seconds. The photochemical that you love for cellulite and puff reduction will also kill the bacteria that is causing your bad breath.

7. Tarnish remover: If you’re finding tarnish on your stainless steel kitchen faucets and appliances? Rub it off with a cucumber slice. Not only will it remove years of tarnish, it will leave it streak free and your hands will thank you, and your kids won’t be put at risk from a dangerous chemical.

8. Energy booster: If you’re feeling tired in the afternoon, don’t give Starbucks your five bucks. Instead, grab a cucumber. There are just enough carbohydrates and B vitamins to give you a longer-lasting and healthier boost of energy than soda, coffee, or those health hazard energy drinks.

9. Munchy madness: Did you know that European trappers ate cucumbers for energy and to keep from starving to death? If those big burly manly men can eat a cucumber to keep from starving, you can eat one as a healthy choice when the munchies hit. Slice some up and take them in a small plastic container to the movies if your theater doesn’t offer healthy alternatives to munching on butter soaked popcorn.

10. Frugal facial: Slice up a cucumber and boil it in a pot of water. The chemicals inside of the cucumber will mix with the steam. Remove the pot from heat and lean over it, letting the steam hit you. Your skin will be more radiant and healthy, and you will feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

11. Shoe polish: Cut a slice off of your cucumber and rub it on your shoe. It will not only shine it up, but it will repel water.

12. Pest control: Put three or four slices of cucumber in a small pie tin and place them in your garden. The chemicals in the cucumber have a reaction that pests hate. You won’t smell it, but it will drive them from your garden all year long. Replace them periodically.

13. Sunburn: Sometimes sun block doesn’t always protect your little ones from sunburn. If you have burnt little kiddos you don’t have any aloe, rub some cucumber on them. Many doctors even use cucumber to treat patients with irritated skin and sunburns.

14. Blood pressure: Cucumber has been long used to treat high blood pressure. If you have it, add cucumbers to your daily diet. There is also ongoing research into the use of cucumbers for lowering cholesterol.

15. Constipation remedy: The seeds of a cucumber are a diuretic. If you’re constipated, try eating a cucumber. If you suffer from chronic constipation, add cucumber to your daily diet

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  • 4 medium, fresh zucchini, sliced in half
  • 1/2 cup fresh Parmesan cheese, grated
  • 1-2 tablespoons fresh rosemary & thyme, minced
  • smidge of olive oil
  • salt & pepper to taste
Pre-heat oven to 350F, lightly brush both sizes of the zucchini with olive oil and place on a foil-lined baking sheet. Mix cheese and herbs together in a small bowl and sprinkle over the zucchini along with salt and pepper to taste. Bake for 15 minutes and place under the broiler for the last 3-5 minutes until cheese is crispy and browned.

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How to prepare Skinny Monkey Cookies

  • 3 bananas
  • 2 cups old-fashioned oats
  • 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • Dash of cinnamon (optional)
Preheat oven to 350°F. Mash bananas in a large bowl, then stir in remaining ingredients. Let batter stand for approximately 20 minutes, then drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired. Bake 10-12 minutes.
Freezing Directions:
Cool completely, then place cookies in a freezer bag. Seal, label, and freeze.
Nutritional Information:
47 calories; 7.5 g carbs; 1.6 g fat; 1.5 g protein; 1.3 g fiber; 1 WW PointsPlus
Servings: 30

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Less calorie recepie Tastes like alfredo sauce

Tastes like alfredo sauce with only 50 calories in 1/2 cup instead of 500 calories in 1/2 cup Alfredo

  • 8 large cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 5-6 cups cauliflower florets
  • 6-7 cups vegetable broth or water
  • 1 teaspoon salt (more to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper (more to taste)
  • 1/2 cup milk (more to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil 

Garlic: Saute the minced garlic with the butter in a large nonstick skillet over low heat. Cook for several minutes or until the garlic is soft and fragrant but not browned (browned or burnt garlic will taste bitter). Remove from heat and set aside.

Cauliflower: Bring the water or vegetable broth to a boil in a large pot. Add the cauliflower and cook, covered, for 7-10 minutes or until cauliflower is fork tender. Do not drain.

Puree: Use a slotted spoon to transfer the cauliflower pieces to the blender. Add 1 cup vegetable broth or cooking liquid, sauteed garlic/butter, salt, pepper, and milk. Blend or puree for several minutes until the sauce is very smooth, adding more broth or milk depending on how thick you want the sauce. You may have to do this in batches depending on the size of your blender. 

Serve hot. If the sauce starts to look dry, add a few drops of water, milk, or olive oil.

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How to prepare Crazy Good Casserole

  • 4-5 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 6 strips of quality bacon – cooked and crumbled
  • 2 cans cream of chicken soup
  • 2 cups shredded Monterrey Jack cheese
  • 1 box (16 ounces) dried spiral pasta
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Cook and crumble bacon. While bacon is cooking, cut chicken into bite-sized chunks. Set cooked bacon aside for later use. In the same pan, cook chicken in bacon drippings. Add garlic powder and salt and pepper to taste.
  • While chicken is cooking, prepare pasta according to directions. Spray a 9×13 baking pan with non-stick cooking spray. Preheat oven to 400.
  • Drain pasta, return to pot. Add chicken, both cans of cream of chicken soup, 1 cup of Monterrey Jack cheese – stir to mix well. Pour into prepared baking dish.
  • Top with bacon crumbles then the remaining cup of Monterrey Jack cheese.
Bake at 400 for about 20 minutes, just until cheese is melted and beginning to brown on top.

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Steps to prepare italian bake

Things needed
  1. 3 pounds chicken breasts (cooked & cut into bite size pieces)
  2. 6 Italian sausage links
  3. 2 jars or spaghetti sauce (I use Hunt's in the can - cheaper & just as good!)
  4. 1 pound of pasta, penne, macaroni, shells or what ever you like
  5. 1 large package of pizza cheese
  6. 1 onion
  7. 2 large bell peppers - red & green, cut into chunks

  • Cut up chicken, onion, peppers and sausage.
  • Boil pasta and drain (don't over cook)
  • Mix pasta, sausage, onion, peppers, chicken and sauce.
  • Put in a large deep dish. If it won't all fit, make a little side dish to freeze for lunch later.
  • Top heavily with cheese.
  • Bake at 325 degrees for about 45 minutes or until golden and bubbly

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Herbals work like pharmaceuticals part seven

(31) Goldenseal for Digestive-Tract Infections
Goldenseal, an herbal antibiotic, is often marketed in combination with Echinacea as a treatment for infections, but it is effective only in the digestive tract, not for colds or flu. At the University of Illinois in Chicago, researchers tested goldenseal against H. pylori, the bacteria that cause ulcers, and the herb inhibited bacterial growth. For GI infections (ulcer, food poisoning, infectious diarrhea, etc.), ask your doctor about using goldenseal in addition to medical therapies.

(32) Hawthorn for Congestive Heart Failure
In heart failure, the heart keeps beating, just not as forcefully as it should; people with the condition become exhausted from minor exertion. Many studies show that hawthorn stimulates fatigued hearts to beat more normally. In a study published in Phytomedicine, German researchers gave hawthorn (240 mg a day) or a placebo to 40 people with heart failure. Three months later, the hawthorn group was able to exercise significantly longer. "We reviewed much of the published research on hawthorn recently," Blumenthal says, "and 13 of 14 studies showed benefit in heart failure."

(33) Hibiscus for Hypertension
Hibiscus is the trumpet-shaped, tropical flower that puts the color in Red Zinger tea. A report in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that 12 days of drinking hibiscus tea (2 teaspoons per cup of boiling water several times a day) lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 11 percent. High blood pressure requires professional care; ask your doctor about adding hibiscus to your treatment plan.

(34) Horse Chestnut for Varicose Veins
"Mainstream medicine offers only support hose and surgery," when it comes to varicose veins, says Blumenthal, "but standardized horse chestnut seed extract has shown efficacy in most clinical trials." At the University of Heidelberg, Germany, 240 sufferers of newly visible varicose veins were treated with compression stockings or horse chestnut (50 mg aescin twice a day). After 12 weeks, both groups reported equal relief. Off the tree, horse chestnuts are poisonous, but commercial extracts are detoxified and safe.

(35) Horsetail for Skin Healing
Before steel wool and abrasive cleansers, this herb helped scour pots and pans. Today it's used to heal the skin. A Spanish study published in Revista de Enfermeria showed that horsetail speeds the healing of wounds; it's also used in skin-care products.

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Herbals work like pharmaceuticals part six

(26) Ginseng for Athletic Stamina
Many athletes take ginseng as part of their training. In a study published in Clinical Therapy, Italian researchers gave 50 physical education teachers a placebo or ginseng (with some vitamins and minerals), and then had them run on a treadmill, Hearts and lungs in the ginseng group worked more efficiently, and those subjects' stamina increased significantly, Ginseng is safe, but it does have anticoagulant action. so increased bruising is possible.

(27) Ginseng for Immune Enhancement
Many studies show that ginseng revs up the immune system. Scientists at the University of Milan. Italy, gave ginseng (100 mg a day) or a placebo to 227 people. A month later. everyone received a flu shot (which does not kill the flu virus. but rather stimulates the immune system to resist infection). In the placebo group, 42 people got the flu, but in the ginseng group, the figure was just 15, demonstrating that ginseng enhanced immune response to the shot.

(28) Ginseng for Diabetes
Ginseng also reduces blood-sugar levels. In a study published in Diabetes Care, 30 subjects newly diagnosed with diabetes were given ginseng extract (100 or 200 mg a day) or a placebo, with the ginseng groups showing lower blood-sugar levels. Other studies concur. Diabetes requires professional treatment; consult your physician about ginseng.

(29) Ginseng for Erectile Dysfunction
According to a review of studies at Yale University, ginseng boosts the body's synthesis of nitric oxide. As NO increases, so does the likelihood of erection. In a report in the Journal of Urology, Korean researchers gave 45 men with erection impairment a placebo or ginseng (900 mg three times a day). Those taking the herb experienced significant erection improvement.

(30) Ginseng for Low Sperm Count
At the University of Rome, Italy, researchers gave ginseng (4 grams a day) to 30 men suffering from low sperm counts. Three months later, the subjects' counts almost doubled, from an average of 15 million/ml to 29 million/ml.

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Herbals work like pharmaceuticals part five

(21) Ginkgo for Alzheimer's Disease
The big study was published in 1997 in the journal of the American Medical Association: Researchers in a multi-center study gave 202 people with Alzheimer's either a placebo or ginkgo extract (120 mg a day). A year later, the ginkgo group retained more mental function, and subsequent studies have corroborated this finding. Ginkgo Improves blood flow around the body--including through the brain. It's safe but it has anticoagulant properties, so increased bruising is possible.

(22) Ginkgo for Mental Acuity
Beyond its benefits for Alzheimer's, four recent studies show that ginkgo improves mental function in people who are cognitively normal, In a study published in Phytotherapy Research. 31 health, adults, ages 30 to 59, received ginkgo (120 to 300 mg a day) or a placebo, The herbs significantly improved several measures of memory. Buy a standardized extract and take 120 to 240 mg a day.

(23) Ginkgo for Erection and Libido Problems
Ginkgo improves blood flow into the genitals. In a study published in the Journal of Urology, 60 men with erection problems caused by narrowed arteries and impaired blood flow to the penis were given ginkgo (60 mg a day); after six months, half had regained erection ability. When researchers at the University of Hawaii and Stanford University tested ArginMax, a sexual-enhancement supplement that contains ginkgo, ginseng and L-arginine, 80 percent of the male subjects had improved erection function, while 74 percent of the female subjects reported more libido, less dryness and greater frequency of orgasm.

(24) Ginkgo for Anti-Depressant-Induced Sex Problems
An enormous number of Americans take antidepressants, the relief comes at a price; a substantial risk of libido loss erection impairment, vaginal dryness and inability to reach orgasm. Investigators at the University of California at San Francisco gave ginkgo (209 mg a day) to 63 people suffering from antidepressant-induced sex problems. The herb helped 91 percent of the women and 76 percent of the men to return to normal sexual function.

(25) Ginkgo for Altitude Sickness
Traveling from a low elevation up to the mountains often produces symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headache, sluggishness and excessive thirst, due to the decrease in available oxygen. (Over a few days. the body makes more red blood cells, which boosts oxygenation of the blood.) Researchers at the Hopital de Chamonix in France gave 44 mountaineers ascending the Himalayas ginkgo (80 mg twice daily) or a placebo. In the latter group, 82 percent developed respiratory problems related to altitude sickness, but among the ginkgo users, the figure was only 14 percent.

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Herbals work like pharmaceuticals part four

(16) Garlic as an Antibiotic
From ancient times through World War I, garlic has been used to treat the wounded. During the 1920s, researchers at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Switzerland isolated garlic's antibiotic compound, alliin, which has no medicinal value until the herb is chewed, chopped or crushed. Then an enzyme transforms alliin into a powerful antibiotic called allicin. Modern antibiotics are more potent and easier to take (just try chewing a dozen raw cloves), but if you're concerned about ulcers, use more garlic in your diet. Researchers at the University of Washington have shown that garlic kills H. pylori, the bacteria that cause ulcers. Raw garlic has the most antibiotic potency, but garlic still has benefits when cooked." I use lots of garlic in cooking," Duke says, "for reasons of taste and health."

(17) Garlic for Cholesterol Control
Researchers at New York Medical College in Valhalla analyzed five studies and found that one-half to one clove of garlic per day reduces cholesterol by 9 percent. If you'd rather not eat fresh garlic every day, garlic supplements, including "deodorized" brands. have a similar effect. (Supplements with proven benefit include Kwai and Kvolic.) "Garlic doesn't work as well as the statin drugs," says Blumenthal," so if your numbers are really high, you may need medication. But if your cholesterol s just mildly elevated or if it's normal and you want to keep it that way, garlic definitely helps." Garlic can impair blood clotting; if you notice increased bruising, stop taking it. Consult your physician.

(18) Garlic for Cancer Prevention
Garlic reduces the risk of several cancers. In the long-term Iowa Women's Health Study. researchers followed 41,837 middle-aged women. Subjects who ate the most garlic had the lowest risk of colon cancer. A few cloves a week cut risk by 32 percent and greater intake decreased risk even more While fruit and vegetable consumption in general helps prevent cancel in this study, garlic yielded the greatest preventive benefit of all the plant foods analyzed. Other studies have shown that garlic helps lower risk for prostate and bladder cancers.

(19) Ginger for Motion Sickness
In ancient China, sailors chewed ginger root to prevent motion sickness and modern studies have confirmed that ginger prevents nausea and vomiting. Danish scientists at Svendborg Hospital observed 80 naval cadets in heavy seas and found that those who took ginger experienced 72 percent less seasickness than a placebo group. Take a 1-gram capsule of powdered ginger root about an hour before you embark, and another every two hours or as needed (without exceeding 10 grams a day) during a journey, Ginger's only side effect is occasional minor heartburn. "t use ginger myself." Duke says, "It works for me."

(20) Ginger for Morning Sickness
Speaking of nausea, ginger also assists in preventing morning sickness. In a stud'. published in Obstetrics and Gynecology, researchers at Thailand's Chiang Mai University gave 70 nausea-plagued pregnant women ginger powder (1 gram a day) or a placebo. In the latter group, 28 percent reported relief But in the ginger group, the figure was 88 percent, use the dose given in the study, or brew a tea using 2 teaspoons of freshly grated root per cup of boiling water.

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