, pub-7313179000042892, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L M F: May 2016

Make PORES Disappear With Only 1 Ingredient

People who have oily skin are more prone to large and visible pores. These people often find the solution in shrinking pores.There are a lot of products you can buy to tighten your skin and decrease the large pores, but there is also a possibility to prepare a natural and home remedy to solve this problem.These remedies listed bellow, are also very effective and give positive effects because they are made with only 2-3 ingredients.

You should try:
Water and Baking Soda
Put 2 tbsp baking soda and 2 tbsp of water in a cup and mix them well. Then, apply this mixture on your face and leave it for 15 minutes to dry. After you feel your face tightened, rinse with cool water.
Cucumber, Lemon, and Rosewater
Peel a cucumber and crush its flesh. Add 1 tsp of rosewater and a few drops of lemon juice. Put the mixture on a clean cloth, fold well and apply to your face. Afterwards, wash with cool water.

Egg White and Lemon juice
Put a few drops of lemon juice and two egg whites in a cup. Apply this mask on your face and let it dry. Then, wash it with cool water. This mask helps in tightening skin pores and removing dead skin cells and oil.
Tomato and Lime Juice
In a tomato juice, add 2-4 drops of lime juice. Apply this liquid on your face using a cotton ball and let it stay for 15 minutes on your face.After this, rinse with cool water.
Thanks to the acid in the lime and tomatoes, the oil from your face will be removed and it will tighten your skin and close your pores.

Lemon and Pineapple Juice
Squeeze half a lemon and mix it with a cup of pineapple juice. Then soak a cloth in the mix and put it on your face for 5 minutes. Afterwards, wash your face with cool water.
Pineapple is rich in enzymes that tighten the skin. Also, it works well with the astringent effect of the lemon juice acid.

Breakfast That helps in Decreasing Belly Fat, try this

Consuming this amazing breakfast will help you to eliminate all the toxins from your body and cleanse the bowel. In addition, this breakfast can solve the problems with constipation and  lazy bowel, helps in burning the fat and normalizes the weight. It is amazing how in just a month of using it, you can lose 3 to 5 pounds, especially around the stomach. There are also other benefits that come along with losing weight like ten skin,your hair and nails will become healthier and beautiful, and the stomach will slowly “melt”.


  • 5-7 fleshy plums
  • 300 ml kefir (or low-fat yogurt)
  • 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed
  • 2 Tablespoons of oat flakes
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder


  1. You should prepare it in the evening for the next day.
  2. Drizzle around 100 ml boiling water on the dried plums.
  3. Cover and leave on for 10 to 15minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, take a bowl and put cocoa, flaxseed and flakes in it.
  5. After that, pour kefir over and stir well.
  6. Chop the plums (or blend in a blender to a state of puree or the super chips, or manually) and add to the previous mixture.
  7. Mix all the ingredients well and store it in the fridge.
  8. Take this amazing mixture and enjoy a healthy and delicious breakfast. You will soon start noticing the results.

You may experience an “interesting” feeling in your stomach on the first day, but it will eventually pass. Your digestive system will start working as a clock

Mix That Reverse Cavities Naturally And Heal Tooth Decay

Reverse Cavities Naturally And Heal Tooth Decay With This Powerful Tooth Mask. Here are natural, effective and homemade tooth remedies to help you with it. All these teeth-whitening remedies have been already proven for their ease of use and effectiveness. They also don’t cause any side effects.
Besides using these remedies, you should also bring other changes to your life. You should take foods containing high levels of vitamin K2 and D. This includes foods like chicken, cream, grass fed butter and full fat milk. But avoid sweets and refined sugar.

You must also do oil puling 3 times weekly for 15 minutes. Make sure to use dental floss before you go to bed.All these tooth masks are also effective in getting rid of the stains from your teeth. They will give you whiter teeth. You could also use them for preventing early decays. So, how to make the tooth mask?

Shiny Teeth Tooth Mask Made Of Turmeric, Clove Oil & Coconut Oil

  • Organic coconut oil – 1/4 tsp
  • Clove essential – 2 drops
  • Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp
  • Sea salt – a pinch (optional)

How to Use?

  1. Mix all these ingredients in a small bowls
  2. Apply this mixture on the teeth
  3. Then brush your teeth normally
  4. Then leave it for 5 more minutes before brushing again using your normal toothpaste
  5. Rinse using lukewarm water.

Here is why this WOMAN keep GARLIC under her son PILLOW every NIGHT

As we said, you can use this powerful ingredient to prevent and treat many different health problems, such as: against liver problems and diseases, prevent and treat baldness, to cleanse your arteries and purify the blood, relieve the symptoms of the cold and the flu, it’s extremely helpful with other respiratory problems, etc.

Did you know that the Egyptians chewed raw garlic, for its powerful antibiotic and medicinal properties, while they were constructing the pyramids? The most powerful compound found in garlic is allicin. You can increase its powers when you crush the garlic, but you will destroy it if you cook it. This is why you should crush it, leave it for 15 minutes and then eat it. You can add some vegetable oil and parsley, to eliminate the strong odor.

Why put garlic under your pillow? 
You’ve probably heard that some people put garlic under their pillow, before they go to sleep  to improve their sleep, right? Other people put garlic in their pockets  for a good luck. And many people around the world rub their pans and pots with this vegetable, to eliminate the negativity from those spirits, that might have contaminated the food. This is why, you should try this simple method. Just put a garlic clove in your pocket or under your pillow. It will help you sleep much better and help you eliminate all negative energy around you. We really hope you enjoyed this article and don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family. Thank You.

Superb Drink That Melts Fat From Your Stomach

We have a dream of having a flat stomach, but despite various diets, rigorous diet and exercise exhausting, did manage to reach the desired result. This drink can prepare all the ingredients and probably already have in your fridge. What’s great is that this cocktail is prepared easily and in literally minutes.
You will need the following ingredients:

  • Half cup fresh or frozen raspberries
  • One grapefruit
  • Half  apple
  • Half  pear
  • more than Half  cup orange juice

Preparation and how to take:
Wash the fruit and put it in a blender, then mix everything until you get a good shake. Add the orange juice, stir and drink the cocktail. Apart from being an excellent and refreshing taste if you regularly consume this cocktail you will quickly notice the results. Always drink in the morning on an empty stomach.